
Monday, December 22, 2014

Day 36 Holiday Challenge

As Christmas approaches, it may not be the crazy all at once eating fest of Thanksgiving, but it can be a season of parties and those Christmas goodies, stockings filled with candy canes and Hershey's kisses, cookies, and nog, get the picture.

But your Yuletide joy does not need to be taken away a couple days after, as most people decide to wait until New Years to make those healthy resolutions. Since you are making them now, review the good tools that you used leading up to Thanksgiving. Keep them fresh in your mind. This is more of a marathon of good practices, than a sprint. Just know that it's going to be easier to give in to smaller temptations more frequently....and those add up! Tracking is key...make adjustments as needed. 

Here's an article that puts eating out at restaurants into perspective. Just imagine if you weren't tracking! 

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