
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Holyoke St Patrick's Road Race

Yesterday I ran the 40th Holyoke St Patrick's Day Road Race, my first 10k! As you know, I made the decision to run it back in January, and a camera crew from Catholic Communications has been filming from the beginning of training to the Springfield Rescue Mission 5k and my first look at this course. 

I'm glad I ran it on Wednesday with my good friend and head of Catholic Communications, Mark Dupont. We had the wind behind us and I actually finished a minute faster than the race. In hindsight, it's no wonder, since I put over 18 miles on my legs this week. Running a course before the race is a good idea, since you find out that you can indeed do it, and also look for the tough spots. 
(Ready for the race)

Waking up yesterday morning to snow was challenging the idea that we would have a good race. But the sun came out, and four thousand runners ahead of me helped clear the way. It was a great race.
(At finish)
I finished my first official road race 10k in 1:19:07. There are only faster times to come. I'm very happy about the first mile, even though I encountered some slower runners in the way. A definite goal will be to break 10 minute mile by the end of the year. 
I saw friends along the way cheering me on. I was met at the end by my Mom and other racer friends. The post race lunch and beer never tasted so good. 
(Me and Mom at the finish)
(With Deacon John Leary)
(The traditional festivities ensue)

Well, folks...on to a half marathon.....


  1. Excellent job Father. Your determination and hard work is your gift to all of us. You are an inspiration.

  2. Every thought and action that people do is like a ripple in the pond that affects other people. Thanks for starting the ripple.

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