
Monday, November 24, 2014

Day 8 Holiday Challenge

Sorry I'm getting this out so late, but I had a family emergency. Things are ok for now, but could use some prayers, especially so I don't find bad ways to cope with things. 

In that light, today's objective was going to be and still is:

Find your "me time"!

Several times today I needed to take a couple minutes away from craziness so that I could gather myself, center in prayer, let things go. Jesus himself needed to find time alone to pray, even when immersed in ministry. 

Your "me time" is sacred. It is not something to be ashamed about or to forget because you believe you have to please everyone. I have already blogged about the need to take care of ourselves. When you know you are about to lose your wits, you may to announce it to the people around you that you need a second to calm down. 

I drove myself to a Church parking lot today. You may find coffee time, or a nice bubble bath or shower as a relaxing respite. Set it aside, even if you're about to go to bed. Breathe in, breathe out. Let go, and let God. 

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