
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Feast of the Transfiguration

Happy Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord! Mountaintop experiences are certainly my favorite things to talk about these days. I love climbing, the exhilaration, the excitement as you're drawing near the top, the view, and the realization that there's still a quad killing journey down. Today's feast day celebrates an important climb where Jesus shows his disciples the goal, the light at the end of the tunnel. Life certainly changes when you encounter Jesus, and he will show you that even in the midst of suffering, there is glory to come, there is hope.

For those of you struggling to make it through your food plan, exercise routine, work, home life, sinfulness, or sickness, Jesus is your hope and strength. Listen to him at Mass, read his word in Scripture, contemplate the mystery of the Transfiguration. Ask the Lord to help change you, to give you a little glimpse of the life to come.

It is awesome when I meet someone whom I haven't seen in a year and they are in awe of the transformation that has occurred. They often refer to the sparkle in my eyes. That's all the Lord.


  1. May God continue to bless you, Fr. Ryan! Be assured of my prayers for you!

  2. You are doing wonderfully, Fr. Ryan. The Lord is indeed with you. Peace and Blessings!
